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Transporte gratuito

Transporte gratuito disponible para pacientes médicos y dentales
El equipo pediátrico y Family Health and Wellness Center ahora ofrece transporte gratuito para pacientes médicos y dentales. Ya sea que esté discapacitado, sea una persona mayor, tenga problemas de movilidad o no pueda conducir, el transporte está disponible de lunes a sábado. Llame al menos 48 horas antes de su cita programada.
Horas de operación
Lunes - Sábado |  Llame con 48 horas de anticipación |  305.474.1800

The Center for Family and Child Enrichment Center (“CFCE”) limits the use of client transport services to clients without adequate travel capability.  Clients eligible for free transportation are individuals or families who meet one or more of the following criteria:


  1. Have no other means of transportation.

  2. Are unable to drive (eg., elderly, handicapped, or without a valid driver’s license)

  3. Significant financial burden to transport themselves.

  4. Transportation services are not covered by health insurance.

  5. Referral from client’s primary provider.

  6. Transportation service is not locally available.

  7. Pick-up and drop-off location is within CFCE’s service area boundaries


Medical, dental or mental health related transportation requests will be honored, provided clients meet the above eligibility requirements and based upon availability.  Requests must be made no less than two (2) working days in advance of the appointment and minors must be accompanied by an adult.  Same day requests will be honored only if staff and a vehicle are available.


Transportation services cannot be used for the following purposes:


  • Taxi Services

  • Activities or services not provided by CFCE Inc.

  • Personal use.


Llámanos para programar tu viaje ¡hoy!

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