Home HIV Testing Kit Request Form
We appreciate your engagement with our HIV Home Testing initiative.
This testing option is accessible for individuals aged 17 and above, provided they fulfill the requirements below:
Live in Miami-Dade
You must be 17 years of age or older
Have NOT tested positive for HIV in the past
Have NOT tested in the last two (2) months
To ensure a comprehensive understanding of the home test process, please read the following information:
Kindly complete the request form provided below with utmost accuracy and submit it. This information is crucial for effective communication with you.
Within a period of 24 to 48 hours, a testing counselor will contact you to verify the details provided in the form. They will also conduct a risk assessment by asking you standard questions typically included in routine HIV screenings. This phone call is expected to last approximately 5 to 10 minutes.
Upon completion of the assessment, the testing counselor will discuss the method of delivery for an OraQuick home testing kit with you.
Delivery options:
In-hand Delivery: In most instances, a testing counselor will personally deliver the testing kit to your doorstep. It is important for you to be present at home to receive it. The package will contain an at-home testing kit and contact information of your counselor, including their full name, email address and work phone number. This information can be used to report your test results or address any other questions you may have.
Pick Up: If you prefer to personally pick up your home testing kit, the testing counselor will inform you of the location of the Pediatric and Family Health and Wellness Center and set a pick-up time & date.
By Mail: In certain cases, the testing kit can be mailed to your specified address. Please note that it may take up to 3 to 5 business days for the kit to arrive. If the test kit is mailed to you, your counselor will provide their contact information via email.
The OraQuick packaging contains the testing instructions. It is important to carefully follow the provided directions. The test should be conducted promptly upon receiving it, and the results should be reported to your counselor without delay.
If you are prepared to begin, please complete the form below and submit your request.
Free in-office rapid HIV testing is available at the Pediatric & Family Health and Wellness Center location Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, Tuesday 10:30 am - 6:00 pm and Saturday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm.