LitPilates Waiver & Consent
Informed Consent and Liability Waiver and Release
I, the undersigned party, am voluntarily participating in the LitPilates Fitness Program (hereinafter referred to
as “LitFitness”) held at 1825 NW 167th Street, Miami FL 33056, headquarters facility of the Center for Family
and Child Enrichment, Inc. d.b.a. Pediatric and Family Health and Wellness Center (hereinafter referred to as
I understand that there is a certain amount of risk associated with any physical activity, and both benefits
and risks associated with any exercise program. I recognize that the LitPilates fitness program requires
physical exertion that may be strenuous at times and could pose a risk of physical injury. I am fully aware of
the risk and understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician regarding my participation in
the above-mentioned program. If applicable, I have obtained medical clearances to use the required
equipment and to participate in an exercise routine. Further, it is my responsibility to inform the LitFitness
staff of any medical clearances, restrictions, and injuries that would prevent me from engaging in physical
exercise or activity.
I agree that if I engage in any physical exercise or activity, or use any equipment under the instruction of
LitFitness staff, on the PFHWC premises, or at another location sponsored by the PFHWC, I do so entirely at
my own risk. I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damage known or unknown which
I might incur as a result of participating in the LitFitness program including any type of injury, illness or death.
In addition, I release LitFitness and PFHWC from any responsibility for loss or damage to my personal
property while on the premises of PFHWC.
I acknowledge that I have carefully read this Informed Consent Liability Waiver and Release and fully
understand that it is a release of liability. I expressly release and discharge LitFitness, LLC and the Center for
Family and Child Enrichment, Inc. d.b.a. Pediatric and Family Health and Wellness Center as well as their
employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns from any and all claims or causes of action arising
out of my participation in the LitPilates fitness program. I agree to voluntarily relinquish or waive any right
that I may otherwise have to bring legal action for any personal injury or property damage that I incur
during my participation in the program.